Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 2 Seattle

After yesterday, it is time to start getting down to business and learning how this summer will pan out.  We had our first trial run of packing the vans, meaning the cyclists have thirty minutes from whatever time wake up is to get dressed, brush teeth, pack, and get out to the vans and get their stuff in the vans.  Obviously, not everything can be done to perfection the first time, so we were a little late.  Thankfully it was just the trial run.  After unpacking the vans and returning our bags to our rooms and eating breakfast, we settled into the conference room in the hotel to begin going over policies and procedures.  Although I was not looking forward to going over this for a second time, it was decided that we could make it fun and act out skits to go over each scenario.  Needless to say, these skits were absolutely hilarious.  I believe this definitely set the mood for the rest of the trip and eliminated all awkward feelings that people get when first arriving at a camp or event where one does not know many others.

Tennessee Guys
In the afternoon, we took a team trip to a store called REI.  For all Indiana folks, it is very similar to Gander Mountain, but on steroids.  People picked up items such as camping pads, rain jackets, and other essentials for the trip that they either forgot or could not initially fit into their luggage bags (for those of you who do not know, I was allowed one small duffel bag that was provided for us, and a backpack. Nothing else). Later that night, we went to a place called Pike Place on the shore of Seattle.  A team member who lives in Seattle had his family meet up with us to sponsor the dinner because it was his birthday.  They took us to a restaurant called Ivor’s, which is one of a million seafood places in Seattle.  To conclude the night, there was hot tub time, slurpee time, and just hanging out and getting to know each other more. It is amazing how close we have already come in about two a half days.  We are acting like we have known each other for a very long time, and I cannot wait to see how close we end up being at the end of the summer.   
The Team in front of Ivor's

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